a grateful community

Stories of Transformation

I am deeply honored and grateful to have connected with so many courageous individuals on their journeys toward healing. Each story shared here is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of empathy and guidance. These testimonials from the brave souls who have walked the path of recovery with me highlight the profound impact of our work together. They not only inspire and motivate me but also serve as beacons of hope for others who are just beginning to seek healing. Read these powerful stories and see for yourself how transformation is not only possible but within reach.


What my clients say

Discover the heartfelt words of those who have journeyed with me through their healing process. The testimonials below reflect the profound experiences and transformations of individuals who have embraced the path to recovery and renewal. Each story is a unique narrative of overcoming, resilience, and the power of personalized support. These voices offer authentic insights into the impact of our work together, illustrating how each step in the healing journey can lead to profound changes and newfound joy.

That someone would see and hear me and care about the challenges I face means more than I can say. I almost never hear words of compassion for my situation. I think some people here truly care, but they don’t take the time to express that to me in words. Thank you for saying the words!


You contain a wisdom and power from God that changes lives on the deepest core level. It is an honor to be in your life and be touched by your heart. Thank you for sharing all you have. It is worth it.


It felt like a breath of fresh air to be able to simply be myself and share so many things that have been on my heart. Lately, I’ve felt as if so many things have been out of control, but during our conversation, I finally felt, saw, and could express the things that are beginning to fall into place. Being able to release my thoughts and emotions in the order they came to me was immensely freeing. Thank you for bringing a sense of calm and a new normal to my life.



Success story

Nullam facilisis faucibus velit. Phasellus porttitor, turpis sit amet consequat dapibus, tellus nunc venenatis diam, tincidunt semper dui nibh sit amet ex.

Rosa Smith

Founder of Atlas

I just finished The Art of Healing! Amazing! I learned so much! The part about how people ‘take back their power in different ways’ and ‘not having our identity rooted in our trauma’ was transformational.” I cannot wait to reread and mark it all up. I am reignited to love my daughter with even more compassion. Thank you.


As I was flying last night, I was listening to The Art of Healing docuseries. Then, through the night, I kept waking up and talking to the Lord about all you shared. Wow. I am undone and don’t have the words to process at this point other than to say thank you!


I had tears coming down my face last night as I was reading The Art of Healing. I am only halfway done, and I cannot thank you enough.
